Saturday, August 8, 2009

Get Your Ass Out There Heads North to Terrace British Columbia

She Said – Getting to Terrace was quite the journey. We camped just outside Port Hardy on the Northern Tip of Vancouver Island (see Facebook Picture for both our Port Hardy Pic and Mike in the purple flower field on the drive up). We camped by the ocean and for the second time this trip decided to forego the fly so we could have fresh air and a quicker take down as we had to be at the Ferry at 5:30am. For anyone taking the 7:30am Ferry you have to be there 2 hours early!

The Ferry ride was great, we camped out in one of the rooms and lay our therma rests and sleeping bags out on the ground. The weather was pretty fogged in so we slept for a couple hours to wake to some beautiful hot sunny weather. I was hoping we would see lots of whales but only got to see a tail briefly and one far away breach – cool none the less to see the majestic creatures of the ocean!!!!

The best part was at 11pm when we got off the ferry we were chatting with these gals who were biking from Vancouver on a journey and they were looking at our calendar – as they were a guy came up with a calendar and asked if it was ours. He had got it in Whistler at the Dirt Series Camp and wanted Mike to sign it for his girlfriend. What a small world. That was 2 weeks ago!!! Anyways Mike did a quick signage before we drove from Prince Rupert to Terrace under the light of the Moon.

In Terrace we slept hard…. Then our first day was mellow – we went for a walk around Ferry Island. It is a neat little walk on this island on the river where you look for faces, animals, objects, etc. carved into the trees by a local artist (see our facebook page for Mike and a fresh carving!).

The rest of our time in Terrace was mellow as the rain kept coming down - we indulged in games of Carcasonne and Personal Preferences and spent quality time with my nephew! Next time we are in town we are going to try to hit up Taste of Terrace (it was sold out this time), Don Diego's (turns out you need a reservation) and make a trip to Hyder Alaska! (see Facebook page for the photo of Mike on the Junction of the Highway to Hyder, Terrace and Prince George!

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