Sunday, September 27, 2009

What is the 2010 Asslympic Calendar?

It all started more as a hobby really, nothing like getting a cheap laugh by taking your clothes off in front of your friends. A year-long working holiday in Australia brought about my first "picture." En route on a long trip we stopped at a roadside attraction and I got the idea to take off my shorts and stand in the middle of the road naked scratching my head. One of my Irish buddies took a picture, which we later developed at our next stop. We all had a good laugh and it was such a huge hit, that it became my theme for the rest of the trip.

When I returned home I had enough photos to make a calendar to showcase my adventures to family and friends. My grandma liked it so much she wanted me to make more to sell to her friends at Bridge night.

Her idea encouraged me to expand on the concept. For the next couple years I got buddies on board and we began taking pictures of me naked all over Alberta. Those pictures became my 2007 Assberta Calendar.

After Assberta I had the idea of making a calendar of me participating in a variety of well known winter sports naked from behind - "butt" more was required, I wanted to give back. Having some friends going to the Olympics and knowing how hard it is for athletes to fund raise I decided to do a spoof on the 2010 Winter Olympics to help out. I thought I could help the athletes fundraise as well as promote people to get their ass out to the Olympics. However, once I produced the 2010 Asslymics Calendar I ran into a roadblock because the controversial risqué subject matter did not mesh with certain foundation rules and etiquette.

Fortunately, through an unprecedented “bump-in” with some fans that manage a foundation called “Artists for Quality of Life” (, together we found a fit.

I sell my calendar online at, in various stores across Canada (listed on the website) and at various events across Canada in person.

I encourage you to get your ass out there, because if I can do it naked, you can do it period.

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to thank you, I have shown the pictures to my friends, it's the monthly screen saver on my phone. I even sent one to my mother, who said she'd be too embar(ass)ed to hang it on her wall. I love it though and so do my friends. You litterally kick ass.
    Thank you Mike, my name is Jurgen at
